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  4. Andrea Sanchez-Morales
Thank you so much for being part of our volunteer program and completing orientation!
Check out our Volunteer FAQ below for answers to many volunteering questions.
All of our available volunteer shifts can be accessed by clicking Volunteer Calendar below.

Volunteer FAQ
1. What is the minimum volunteer age? 10-15 years old must volunteer with a parent/legal guardian who has completed a Volunteer Orientation. 16-17 years old can volunteer solo upon completion of the minor waiver by parent/legal guardian and Volunteer Orientation. Each family member will need to have their own volunteer application completed with a unique email address and their own volunteer profile.
2. How do I sign up for a volunteer shift? After you’ve completed volunteer orientation, use the supplied link to access the volunteer calendar.
3. How do I know what shifts I am signed up for? Log in to your account and click on My Volunteering in the left hand menu. You will see the shifts you are signed up for.
4. Where do I go to volunteer? Most volunteering is done at 150/160 Meadow St, Monroe NC 28110. Check your volunteer sign up to see any specific instructions.
5. What is the dress code? Business casual with an emphasis on casual. Closed toed shoes-athletics shoes/sneakers are a great option. Dress comfy but remember you represent the shelter.
6. What if I’m running late for a volunteer shift? Call the shelter main line at 704-289-5300, ext 0 and ask shelter staff to inform kitchen staff that you are running late.
7. How do I cancel a volunteer shift? Log in to your account and click on My Volunteering in the left hand menu and then click on the red Cancel button at the end of the shift you want to cancel. For cancellations the day of, please call the shelter main line at 704-289-5300, ext 0 and ask shelter staff to inform kitchen staff that you won’t be here for your shift.
8. How do I sign my children up for shifts? Each volunteer will need their own volunteer profile with a unique email address. You can sign them up for shifts from there.
For any other questions, email us at Volunteer@unionshelter.org or call (704) 261-3496.


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In Support of Community Shelter of Union County
The Community Shelter of Union County provides Emergency Shelter, Food, and Rehousing.  Our low-barrier services support equitable opportunities because safe, affordable housing and access to food are basic human rights.