Union Academy-we will verify 1 hour of volunteering per sleeve of sandwiches.
For MobileServe, please put "Volunteer Manager" for the Supervisor and "Volunteer@Unionshelter.org" for the Email.
-Each "shift" counts as 1 sleeve of sandwiches which equals 1 hour of volunteering.
-DO NOT drop off at the times you are signing up for, this sign up will just credit you for the correct number of hours per sleeve. Drop off on Sunday for the exact date you signed up for but during the hours of 9-11am.
-If there are no shifts available, you can drop sandwiches off as a donation but they will not be eligible to be counted as an hour of volunteering.
-Follow the below protocols to keep sandwiches in the best condition.
-Do not cut sandwiches.
-Individually bag sandwiches in ziplocs.
-Use fully sealing zippered bags, don’t use the fold over bags. This prevents the sandwiches from drying out.
-Pack the sandwiches back in the loaf bag and tie shut.
-Bread, Lunchmeat, Cheese
-Leave condiments off. That keeps sandwiches from getting soggy.
-Label with type of meat. We have some people who do not eat pork. We prefer turkey, chicken, beef bologna sandwiches for this reason.
Peanut Butter and Jelly:
-Bread, Peanut Butter, Jelly
-Put a small layer of peanut butter on both sides then jelly in the middle. That keeps sandwiches from getting soggy.